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Air Pollution - VOCs / TVOC

VOCs-- volatile organic compounds

    The detection of organic pollutants represents the pollution of organic matter. In 1989, the US Environmental Protection Agency detected more than 900 types.


VOC outdoor mainly comes from fuel combustion and transportation;

The indoors are mainly from combustion products such as coal and natural gas, smoke from smoking, heating and cooking, construction and decorative materials, furniture, household appliances, detergents and the body's own emissions.

Tobacco industry: inks, organic solvents;

Textile industry: glue used in footwear products, etc.;

Toy industry: correction fluid, scented toys, etc.;

Furniture decoration materials: paints, paints, adhesives, etc.;

Auto parts materials: glue, paint, etc.;

Electrical and electronic industry: VOC, electronic hardware cleaning solvents, etc. will be volatilized when used at higher temperatures;

Others: detergents, detergents, fabric softeners, cosmetics, office supplies, wallpapers and other accessories.


The main components of VOC are: hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, oxygen hydrocarbons and nitrogen hydrocarbons, including: benzene series, organic chlorides, Freon series, organic ketones, amines, alcohols, ethers, esters, acids and petroleum hydrocarbon compounds. Wait. VOC is the abbreviation of volatile organic compounds. The commonly mentioned chemical substances in the wall paint (except heavy metals) refer to VOC. These volatile organic compounds include formaldehyde, ammonia, ethylene glycol, esters and the like. When the VOC reaches a certain concentration in the room, it will cause headache, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and other symptoms. In severe cases, it may even cause convulsions, coma, damage to the liver, kidneys, brain and nervous system, resulting in serious consequences such as memory loss.

Among them, common household decoration is benzene and xylene.



Toluene is mainly derived from some solvents, perfumes, detergents, wallpapers, adhesives, paints, etc. The amount of toluene produced by smoking in indoor environments is also considerable.

About 48% of toluene is metabolized in the body after it enters the body. It is finally excreted from the liver, brain, lungs and kidneys. It causes damage to the nervous system. When the concentration of toluene in the blood reaches 1250mg/m3, the short-term memory ability of the contact person, attention Both the durability of the force and the speed of the sensory movement are significantly reduced.



Xylene is derived from solvents, insecticides, polyester fibers, tapes, adhesives, wallpapers, paints, wet processing photocopiers, pressboard products, and carpets.

Xylene can be absorbed through the respiratory tract, skin and digestive tract. Its vapor enters the human body through the respiratory tract, and some of it is discharged through the respiratory tract. The absorbed xylene is distributed in the body with the largest amount of adipose tissue and adrenal gland, followed by bone marrow, brain, blood and kidney. And liver. Inhalation of high concentrations of xylene can cause loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, sometimes causing reversible damage to the liver and kidney. At the same time, xylene is also an anesthetic. Long-term exposure can cause nervous system dysfunction.

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